The marketing director of a famous Welsh brand of bottled water said to us recently: “We know we ought to do something about the climate emergency but we just don’t know what.”
Many organisations feel the same. This is why we have developed Safon Un Blaned. It’s a series of protocols that encourage change in the way organisations conduct their business to help them to respect Planet Earth’s natural boundaries.

It is backed by Jane Davidson, the architect of the Well-being of Future Generations Act in Wales, and Sophie Howe, the Future Generations Commissioner, who says:
“The Standard aligns and builds on my existing advice in the area of decarbonisation and enhancing nature resilience, and it can help not only the public sector but all organisations in Wales with practical actions towards meeting carbon emission and biodiversity targets.
“The Standard centres around the 5 ways of working and promotes long-term thinking; it is an easy-to-understand and useful tool that can help address the climate and nature emergencies, prevent the disaster we are currently heading towards and help ensure the well-being of our future generations and the planet.”
It will help organisations of all types combat climate change and re-introduce more biodiversity and nature into our environment, by adjusting the complete impacts of their activities – their estate, products and services, and operations – so they do not exceed what the planet can provide.
An independent assessment evaluates progress and whether an organisation is doing in reality what it says it is doing.
It will be done by Assessment Services Ltd. who have 30 years’ experience of evaluating standards in both the private and public sector, including Customer Service Excellence, IAQF Cymru/Wales, Merlin, Matrix, IAG Standard, SFEDI Awards (for the IOEE), and Families First Quality Awards.
So there is no opportunity for green or whitewash!!
Bronze, silver and gold levels introduce an element of ambition and competitiveness.
Whatever the organisation, we think, based on experience, that it is likely to lead to –
• enhanced reputation
• leaner, more efficient operation
• better performance
• improved staff motivation
• compliance with legislation.
We believe we already have the answers to the environmental and social problems addressed by the Act. We just don’t apply them systematically. So we offer a compendium of solutions, metrics and indicators that support the implementation of the Standard.
The One Planet Standard makes everything crystal clear for public bodies, private companies and community organisations.
We are still looking for organisations to pilot it at no cost in advance of its formal launch with Jane Davidson on 28 September as part of the Good Governance Institute’s Good Governance Festival.
Downloading the standard is free. For more information click yma.
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