Canolfan Un Blaned

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Introducing The One Planet Standard

Sticky post

The marketing director of a famous Welsh brand of bottled water said to us recently: “We know we ought to do something about the climate emergency but we just don’t know what.” Many organisations feel the same. This is why… Continue Reading →

Green is the new black: Beauty must be redefined to help save the planet

No more concrete. No more utilitarian, ugly spaces. The need to build back better, to bring nature to people, to revolutionise our relationship with nature, has been made crystal clear by the pandemic. So urban design needs to change. Architecture… Continue Reading →

We welcome landmark Dasgupta Review that puts humanity’s ecological footprint at the heart of economics

The One Planet Centre CIC welcomes the recent landmark Dasgupta Review that puts humanity’s ecological footprint and its relation to planetary boundaries at the heart of economics. The One Planet Centre, which offers strategies for reducing ecological footprints, has been… Continue Reading →

The circular economy is a baby step towards a regenerative economy. Only this will save capitalism.

We are in increasing ecological debt. A circular economy might help stop the debt worsening but only a regenerative economy that gets us to within planetary boundaries will repay that debt and return us to credit. Limitations of the circular… Continue Reading →

First call for grant applications under new Swansea ‘one planet’ vision

The first funding rounds for ‘one planet’ projects in rural Swansea under the Rural Development Programme’s new ‘one planet’ strategy, as developed by the One Planet Centre have been announced. 1. Community groups and social enterprises are invited to initiate… Continue Reading →

Manifesto for a ‘one planet’ recovery stimulus

The One Planet Centre is calling for a genuinely sustainable post-pandemic recovery package. We believe this should be aligned with the goal of maximising well-being for all within planetary boundaries. Citizens have endured so much, and we have learnt so… Continue Reading →

How Amsterdam and other cities are adopting a new model to support their citizens and the planet

Last month Amsterdam became one of the first cities in the world to adopt the “doughnut economics model” as a means to help it become genuinely socially and ecologically sustainable. Philadelphia and Portland, Oregon are amongst other cities following suit…. Continue Reading →

Make loving the planet your 2019 resolution

We are sleepwalking into a deadly future where millions of people will die and millions more suffer terribly, and we are being led by politicians who neither understand nor care about this. Leaders are supposed to know where they are… Continue Reading →

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