The One Planet Centre

How to repair our home


Covid-19 pandemic

What will you pledge for the planet for 2021?

As we look to 2021, let’s celebrate what we’ve learnt during the pandemic and vow to build on it: We’re certain of the vital importance of nature to our very survival. We’ve seen countless acts of selflessness and learnt the… Continue Reading →

First call for grant applications under new Swansea ‘one planet’ vision

The first funding rounds for ‘one planet’ projects in rural Swansea under the Rural Development Programme’s new ‘one planet’ strategy, as developed by the One Planet Centre have been announced. 1. Community groups and social enterprises are invited to initiate… Continue Reading →

Manifesto for a ‘one planet’ recovery stimulus

The One Planet Centre is calling for a genuinely sustainable post-pandemic recovery package. We believe this should be aligned with the goal of maximising well-being for all within planetary boundaries. Citizens have endured so much, and we have learnt so… Continue Reading →

The Just Transition: how the EU is using post-Covid investment to aim at 1.5C

Europe’s €540 billion recovery package is aimed at realising the Green Deal and a Just Transition Every nation – such as the UK – would do well to emulate this approach. Here’s how it works: “The Green Deal is at… Continue Reading →

How we can spend our way to a better world through green jobs

The global call to turn the tragedy of the pandemic into an opportunity for a better world is growing. But what does it mean? Last week, British Green MP Caroline Lucas said we need to “dream big and bold”. She… Continue Reading →

Post-graduate course: learn how local and national government can save the planet

If you ever wondered how local or national government can save the planet, you need to do this online-only course from next October, and learn from a critique of Wales’ Well-being of Future Generation Act and examples from all over… Continue Reading →

Message for Earth Day 2020: We have an unprecedented opportunity to create a “one planet” world

On April 22 as we celebrate 50 years since the first Earth Day let’s pause to consider how much worse condition the planet is in than it was in 1970. Then, we hadn’t even crossed the limit (in 1972) of… Continue Reading →

How investing in the green economy is the best way to post-covid-19 economic recovery

A climate-change conscious post-Covid-19 economic stimulus will deliver recovery faster – it did last time Covid-19 has changed the rules of the way we live and do business forever. Central banks around the world are trying to limit damage to… Continue Reading →

What do the Covid-19 pandemic and climate emergency have in common?

Caption: They stayed at home. Apologies to L.S. Lowry’s painting ‘The Rush’. With factories shut, the air is cleaner. The Covid-19 pandemic and climate change are both worldwide emergencies and remind us we are all sharing one planet, dependent so… Continue Reading →

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