
In two upcoming workshops, learn how to apply for planning permission to build a zero carbon home and run a sustainable business in Wales.

Swn y Coed One Planet Development at Rhiw Las, with Peni Ediker

Like others already doing so already you would be living the most demonstrably sustainable life in the UK. These ‘one planeteers’ are pioneer planet-savers. Last year we trained 56 individuals; several are already on the land.

  • Participants are guided through putting together a ‘One Planet’ Development (OPD) management plan – crucial for the planning application.
  • On the agenda: how to find and evaluate suitable land, the planning process, regenerative land management, zero carbon building, renewable energy, food provision, water provision, ecological sanitation, community relations and Welsh culture, business management and marketing, low carbon transport, with examples from existing OPDs in Wales.

Sat/Sun February 29-March 1; 9.30am to 4.30pm

Venue: The One Planet Centre, 30 Stone Street, Llandovery SA20 0JP. With a site visit to a nearby One Planet Development on Sunday afternoon.

Booking: To book, transfer £55 for an individual or £100 for a couple by BACS (Bank transfer) to: Sort code: 09 01 56 A/c no. 24876489. Bank: Santander. Account name: DK Thorpe T/A Cyberium. In the reference field please put: OPD220 and email to inform us.

Sat/Sun April 25-26; 9.30am to 4.30pm

Venue: Swn y Coed, Rhiw Las, Abbey Road, Whitland, Carmarthenshire SA34 0LH.

Swn y Coed is an exemplary OPD with plenty to learn from. Peni Ediker and Stef Balesi will be on hand to demonstrate their educational and harp-making businesses, and their fabulous soil-enhancing land management practices.
Booking: To book, transfer £100 for an individual by BACS (Bank transfer) to: Sort code: 09 01 56 A/c no. 24876489. Bank: Santander. Account name: DK Thorpe T/A Cyberium. In the reference field please put: OPD420 and email to inform us. Camping facilities are included in the price. For two lunches and an evening meal prepared from Peni and Stef’s OPD produce please add £10 per day per person.

  • We will also discuss the possibilities for intentional ‘one planet’ villages with affordable homes, sustainable employment and training opportunities, guided by a new community land trust we’ve set up.

A key course book will be David Thorpe’s The One Planet Life: A Blueprint for Low Impact Development.

Group photo of One Planet Development workshop July 2019

Why ‘one planet’?

Because if everyone in the world lived the way the average UK resident does, we’d need three planet Earths to support us.

The reason for the climate and extinction emergencies is that humanity is not living within the means afforded by the carrying capacity of the planet. ‘One Planeteers’ learn how to live within this carrying capacity.


Our mailing address is:
The One Planet Centre

The Half Moon

30 Stone Street

Llandovery, Carmarthenshire SA20 0JP

United Kingdom