Mel, a volunteer with the One Planet Centre, tells how she reduces her environmental footprint when shopping and using the internet.
Melanie shares ways of how she reduces her own ecological footprint, different forms of renewable energy as well as what you can do to refurbish your home before even thinking about setting up a renewable energy system. More info on… Continue Reading →
Kate Danker tells us how she has reduced her ecological footprint.
Frank Jackson, the editor for the Earthscan Expert Series on renewable energy / energy efficiency, is looking for a possible author(s) for new titles. Some of the themes that are currently being considered are the following (open to suggestions): · … Continue Reading →
What are the common-sense solutions to our climate and nature crises? In this guest post from geographer and energy specialist Neil Kitching (above), author of the new book Carbon Choices, Neil considers a few tips on how to influence behaviour… Continue Reading →
We are in increasing ecological debt. A circular economy might help stop the debt worsening but only a regenerative economy that gets us to within planetary boundaries will repay that debt and return us to credit. Limitations of the circular… Continue Reading →
The One Planet Centre is pleased to announce that it has provided the first One Planet ‘Local Delivery Strategy’ (LDS) for a local authority in the UK. We worked with the Local Action Group which manages the Rural Development Programme… Continue Reading →
Caption: They stayed at home. Apologies to L.S. Lowry’s painting ‘The Rush’. With factories shut, the air is cleaner. The Covid-19 pandemic and climate change are both worldwide emergencies and remind us we are all sharing one planet, dependent so… Continue Reading →
Our weekend workshops are currently on hold pending the Covid-19 crisis. BUT we are now offering online workshops for individuals and groups, conducted by Skype and email. These cover the same material as a weekend workshop (see below). Participants receive… Continue Reading →
In two upcoming workshops, learn how to apply for planning permission to build a zero carbon home and run a sustainable business in Wales. Like others already doing so already you would be living the most demonstrably sustainable life in… Continue Reading →
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