The next workshop on One Planet Development is over the weekend of July 6-7 2019. It will cover the same ground as in the post below although the dates are different in this: Weather permitting, there will be a site… Continue Reading →
With the government and many councils declaring climate and extinction emergencies, administrators and policymakers are wondering how to react. This short distance learning postgraduate course provides many answers. The One Planet Governance programme at the University of Wales Trinity Saint… Continue Reading →
There will be a one day OPD training session on February 22 in East Carmarthenshire. Five people are already signed up. There is space for five more. Would anyone else also be interested? Book via Cost is £35 each…. Continue Reading →
Wales is pioneering a route to a ‘one planet’ country with this legislation. The following is a much compressed summary of the case study in the forthcoming book One Planet Cities. Download a PDF of this article here: Wales Future… Continue Reading →
In the first of a series of posts revealing extracts up to the publication of the important new book, ‘One Planet’ Cities, here are two new pages on this website: Six steps to a one planet city Chapter summaries from… Continue Reading →
We are sleepwalking into a deadly future where millions of people will die and millions more suffer terribly, and we are being led by politicians who neither understand nor care about this. Leaders are supposed to know where they are… Continue Reading →
I’m thrilled that my important new book, ‘One Planet’ Cities: Sustaining Humanity within Planetary Limits, will be out next May. It addresses the crucial question of how the essential needs of the growing human population can be met without breaking… Continue Reading →
Humanity’s ecological footprint may have leveled off after decades of consistent increase, according to new data released last week by the Global Footprint Network. Mathis Wackernagel, founder and CEO of Global Footprint Network, speaking in an interview with me from… Continue Reading →
Thursday March 28, 2pm-4pm. Lecture and discussion on Living within planetary limits by David Thorpe Room TL05, Teaching and Learning Block, Trinity St David’s University of Wales, Carmarthen campus, SA31 3EP. Tel: 01267 676767. Organised by the Business Studies Dept.
What is one planet living? Watch a video of my talk at the Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience!
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