The One Planet Centre

How to repair our home



How investing in the green economy is the best way to post-covid-19 economic recovery

A climate-change conscious post-Covid-19 economic stimulus will deliver recovery faster – it did last time Covid-19 has changed the rules of the way we live and do business forever. Central banks around the world are trying to limit damage to… Continue Reading →

What do the Covid-19 pandemic and climate emergency have in common?

Caption: They stayed at home. Apologies to L.S. Lowry’s painting ‘The Rush’. With factories shut, the air is cleaner. The Covid-19 pandemic and climate change are both worldwide emergencies and remind us we are all sharing one planet, dependent so… Continue Reading →

New! Online courses in One Planet Development

Our weekend workshops are currently on hold pending the Covid-19 crisis. BUT we are now offering online workshops for individuals and groups, conducted by Skype and email. These cover the same material as a weekend workshop (see below). Participants receive… Continue Reading →

How to fast track sustainability in Wales

The Commissioner’s role At present the Wales Future Generations Commissioner’s Office concentrates too much on the social and not enough on the ecological. Not that the former is unimportant, but it depends upon the latter. It should concentrate its fire… Continue Reading →

The world’s first ‘One Planet’ course for civic and public governance

In collaboration with David Thorpe, director of the One Planet Centre, the University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD) is offering a new Post-Graduate Certificate in ‘One Planet’ Governance. The ‘One Planet’ Governance programme – the first of its kind… Continue Reading →

Learn how to live the most demonstrably sustainable life in the UK

In two upcoming workshops, learn how to apply for planning permission to build a zero carbon home and run a sustainable business in Wales. Like others already doing so already you would be living the most demonstrably sustainable life in… Continue Reading →

What you can do in 2020 to tackle climate change!

25 ways to reduce your carbon and ecological footprint You’ve heard about the climate and extinction crises. You probably want to do something in your own life. Here at the One Planet Centre we’ve been working on the most effective… Continue Reading →

2020’s solution to the climate and extinction crises

For climate action it’s been the best of years and the worst of years. The best because of the mass mobilisation around the world triggered by Greta Thunberg and Extinction Rebellion. The worst because emissions have kept stubbornly rising and… Continue Reading →

Jane Davidson becomes a non-executive director of the One Planet Centre

We’re proud to announce that Jane Davidson has agreed to become a non-executive director of the One Planet Centre.   This is especially pertinent because it was Jane, as Wales’ Environment and Sustainability Minister (2007-2011) in the Welsh Assembly Government,… Continue Reading →

Producing more of what we consume locally helps us come clean about carbon emissions

We can’t blame China for burgeoning carbon emissions. We can only tackle climate change if we address the fact that a great proportion of China’s emissions – and other countries’ – come from the fact that we import goods from… Continue Reading →

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