Canolfan Un Blaned

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First call for grant applications under new Swansea ‘one planet’ vision

The first funding rounds for ‘one planet’ projects in rural Swansea under the Rural Development Programme’s new ‘one planet’ strategy, as developed by the One Planet Centre have been announced. 1. Community groups and social enterprises are invited to initiate… Continue Reading →

UK’s first local authority “One Planet” strategy adopted

The One Planet Centre is pleased to announce that it has provided the first One Planet ‘Local Delivery Strategy’ (LDS) for a local authority in the UK. We worked with the Local Action Group which manages the Rural Development Programme… Continue Reading →

Manifesto for a ‘one planet’ recovery stimulus

The One Planet Centre is calling for a genuinely sustainable post-pandemic recovery package. We believe this should be aligned with the goal of maximising well-being for all within planetary boundaries. Citizens have endured so much, and we have learnt so… Continue Reading →

What you can do in 2020 to tackle climate change!

25 ways to reduce your carbon and ecological footprint You’ve heard about the climate and extinction crises. You probably want to do something in your own life. Here at the One Planet Centre we’ve been working on the most effective… Continue Reading →

Producing more of what we consume locally helps us come clean about carbon emissions

We can’t blame China for burgeoning carbon emissions. We can only tackle climate change if we address the fact that a great proportion of China’s emissions – and other countries’ – come from the fact that we import goods from… Continue Reading →

Why local procurement is key to a brighter, more hopeful future

Local procurement is key to a brighter, more hopeful future, and the reduction of carbon and ecological footprints. Here’s why: Firstly, the science says we have eight years to stop greenhouse gas emissions. Business models have to adapt to reflect… Continue Reading →

New workshop 22 February 2019

There will be a one day OPD training session on February 22 in East Carmarthenshire. Five people are already signed up. There is space for five more. Would anyone else also be interested? Book via Cost is £35 each…. Continue Reading →

What is one planet living? – Video

What is one planet living? Watch a video of my talk at the Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience!

How to build a garden city

An ambitious new book is a thorough attempt both to tell the history of the garden city movement in Britain and to provide guidance on planning and creating such a city now. While it is extremely useful, it does largely… Continue Reading →

Feeding future cities within the limits to growth

By the end of the century there will be about 11.2 billion human beings on the planet, around 70-80% of whom may well be living in cities. How will we feed them without destroying our life-support system? What should be… Continue Reading →

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