In the first of a series of posts revealing extracts up to the publication of the important new book, ‘One Planet’ Cities, here are two new pages on this website: Six steps to a one planet city Chapter summaries from… Continue Reading →
I’m thrilled that my important new book, ‘One Planet’ Cities: Sustaining Humanity within Planetary Limits, will be out next May. It addresses the crucial question of how the essential needs of the growing human population can be met without breaking… Continue Reading →
Community Land Trusts are a popular way for groups of people to develop co-housing projects. Calon Cymru Network, a client of ours, is hosting a workshop this Sunday on this topic, led by Ian Crawley of the Community Land Trust… Continue Reading →
Something special is happening in Wales. The country is using legislation to shift itself into a very different direction from England. The Welsh Government has said that it wants to be more sustainable, by reducing its ‘ecological footprint’ to a… Continue Reading →
An ambitious new book is a thorough attempt both to tell the history of the garden city movement in Britain and to provide guidance on planning and creating such a city now. While it is extremely useful, it does largely… Continue Reading →
A pioneering study has begun in a part of Wales, UK, aimed at pointing the way towards ‘One Planet’ neighbourhoods. One of the instigators is ‘The One Planet Life’ author David Thorpe, in his capacity as an Administrator of Calon… Continue Reading →
Homes and farmland at The Cannery. The first American housing project that puts an urban farm intentionally in the centre of a community has begun to win awards and serve its first harvest. It is billed as California’s first farm-to-table… Continue Reading →
The One Planet Life contains a chapter arguing for a change in our attitude to planning, land and development to enable truly sustainable development, but prerequisite to this is a way of measuring when we have got there. The trouble… Continue Reading →
We only have one planet! Just one. Obviously. But the way some people carry on you’d think we had five – in some cases even eight – wonderful blue, vibrant orbs just like planet Earth, rotating round our life-giving Sun…. Continue Reading →
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