The One Planet Centre

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Garden cities

Green is the new black: Beauty must be redefined to help save the planet

No more concrete. No more utilitarian, ugly spaces. The need to build back better, to bring nature to people, to revolutionise our relationship with nature, has been made crystal clear by the pandemic. So urban design needs to change. Architecture… Continue Reading →

How cities can adopt the ‘One Planet’ City framework

How can the essential needs of the growing human population be met without breaking the Earth’s already-stretched life-support system? This is the question I set myself to answer with my new book, ‘One Planet’ Cities: Sustaining Humanity within Planetary Limits…. Continue Reading →

How to define a ‘One Planet’ City

In the first of a series of posts revealing extracts up to the publication of the important new book, ‘One Planet’ Cities, here are two new pages on this website: Six steps to a one planet city Chapter summaries from… Continue Reading →

How can cities reduce their ecological footprint?

The last post in this series looked at the vital role of ecological footprinting in ensuring that our individual actions are truly sustainable – i.e. within the limits of what the Earth’s resources can provide. This is called ‘one planet’… Continue Reading →

How to build a garden city

An ambitious new book is a thorough attempt both to tell the history of the garden city movement in Britain and to provide guidance on planning and creating such a city now. While it is extremely useful, it does largely… Continue Reading →

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